Healthy Dog Food

I was recently contacted by about writing a blog on dog food. What kind of food we feed our dogs is a so important. The barrage of information we receive about the content & benefits of the products is overwhelming. Everybody’s is the best for...

Suzie passed away.

I always wanted to write a blog, but I never realized that actually sitting down and doing it is such a challenge. I tell myself I have nothing to write about, but that is not true. For starters our little pug dog Suzie passed away on March 6. Evil cancer took her. It...

Our pug has cancer

A couple of months ago we were dealt the devastating news that our  pug has cancer. She is 12 years old. We noticed that she has a lump on her side and took her to our vet. The vet took a sample of the lump and the result came back that she has an aggressive cancer in...